If you don’t know Pam Covarrubias of the Cafe Con Pam podcast, you’re about to! ?
She’s an amazing human being and spreads goodness everywhere she goes. If you know her, I know you’ll agree. I was thrilled when Pam agreed to come on the podcast to talk about her journey from survivor to thriver.
Many survivors shy away from telling their story (for many valid reasons). They may have never disclosed, they may feel shame (unjustified- shame should solely be on the shoulders of the offender), they don’t want to be re-traumatized by retelling it publicly or they are afraid other’s won’t believe them and ostracize them.
In Pam’s case, she was able to tell her story and find the help and support she needed to overcome the assault that she experienced. And I’m so grateful she could share it with you on the podcast.
I believe that the more we tell our stories, the more we share our journeys, the more we can talk about our healing processes- which include struggles and wins, the more we can help others rise up and reclaim their power too!
I look forward to hearing your takeaways from the episode!
And as always, I invite you to share it and/or post about it (and tag me!?)! If you listen on iTunes, and enjoyed any of my AboutCONSENT™ podcast episodes, I invite you to leave a rating and review! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ This helps others easily find the podcast and reach a wider audience who can benefit from hearing this kind of content.
Let’s spread more #consentculture
Learn more and connect with Pam Covarrubias at the following places:
Listen the her podcast here: https://www.spreadideasmovepeople.com/listen
Follow her on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/cafeconpampodcast