
Any child or adolescent that has suffered the experience of child sexual abuse typically goes through an emotional rollercoaster of hurt, shame, fear, uncertainty, guilt and other very difficult feelings. It’s incredibly important for all adults, whether they are parents or not, to know HOW to respond when they learn about a child being abused or disclosing.

Being better equipped makes us all more ethical and responsible adults that can help support and guide a child during a critical time where they need to feel safe and secure that they will get the help they need.


It is for this reason that I invited Trauma Psychotherapist Adriana Alejandre to the podcast.

In this episode we talk about the taboo that continues to surround therapy and why it matters that we all shift our perspectives, now more than ever.

We also discussed why parents, particularly in the Latinx community, are still reluctant to seek mental health support, and also, how they can take steps to become more receptive to the idea.

We dived into what parents, caregivers or any adult can do when a child discloses abuse so that they don’t re-traumatize the child, including themselves if they are survivors.

We also talked about why it’s so important for kids to get the right mental health support after a disclosure so that they can lessen the long term negative effects that abuse can have and begin to heal sooner, which can dramatically improve their ability to live a happier life.

There were so many little gems as well that will make you take pause and think about how you can support those in your life who are survivors or if you’re a parent and never thought about these topics.

I hope you take steps consistently to care for your mental health in these times of crisis so that you can be well, stay well and support your family through this time.


Adriana Alejandre is a Trauma Psychotherapist and Speaker from Los Angeles, California. She specializes in adults who struggle with PTSD and severe traumas at her own private practice. She has done disaster relief work for Hurricane Harvey and Las Vegas shooting survivors. Adriana’s clinical work has been featured in Univision, LA Times, the New York Times and Buzzfeed.

Adriana is also the founder of the internationally recognized, Latinx Therapy, directory and bilingual podcast that destigmatizes mental health & provides education to combat the stigma through technology and actual mental health services. In 2019, she won Hispanizice’s Best Social Good Content award. Her podcast has been featured in iTunes’ Top 200, Spotify’s Top 30 Latin shows, Fierce by Mitu , and has been heard in 112 countries. Adriana’s mission is to create spaces to spark dialogue about mental health struggles and strengths in the Latinx community.


Website: https://latinxtherapy.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/latinxtherapy

Twitter: https://twitter.com/latinxtherapy

Instagram (Latinx Therapy): https://www.instagram.com/latinxtherapy/

Instagram (Adriana): https://www.instagram.com/latinxtherapist/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSEQTK3ijZJDTcXb2KsOz5Q


Learn more about CONSENTparenting by visiting www.consentparenting.com

To sign up for the Child Predator Protection Masterclass mentioned in the episode, go to www.aboutconsent.com/protect WITHOUT A CODE to get the special quarantine price for this class.


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